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January 2025, Transportation Safety, Driver Training
Personal Safety
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1. It’s okay to discuss your load with other drivers at a truck stop.
A. True
B. False
2. When driving on the road:
A. Be wary of anyone asking you to pull over
B. Make sure you’re not being followed
C. Be aware of your surroundings
D. All of the above
3. You should never lock your windows and doors while in the vehicle because it poses a personal safety risk.
A. True
B. False
4. A good trip plan includes:
A. Using your intuition to pick a stop
B. Packing your favorite snacks
C. Mapping out two or three safe stops for each rest/refuel
D. All of the above
5. It’s a best practice to keep your valuables hidden to avoid thieves.
A. True
B. False
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December 2024, Transportation Safety, Driver Training
Night Driving
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1. Driving at night means trading one set of roadway hazards with another.
A. True
B. False
2. High beam headlights should be dimmed within ___ feet of an oncoming vehicle.
A. 250 - 350
B. 350 - 500
C. 500 - 1000
D. 100 - 150
3. You should turn your headlights on after the sun sets.
A. True
B. False
4. When driving at night, you should:
A. Fight through fatigue to stay on schedule
B. Always use your high beams to increase visibility
C. Drive faster since there are fewer cars on the road
D. Continually scan the road
5. When driving at night, you should increase your following distance.
A. True
B. False
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November 2024, Transportation Safety, Driver Training
Accident Procedures
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1. It's okay to make educated guesses about what happened to help law enforcement investigate the accident.
A. True
B. False
2. On a two-lane road, the first warning device should be placed on the traffic side of the vehicle _____ feet from the rear.
A. 10
B. 20
C. 30
D. 40
3. Drivers should NOT discuss details of the accident with anyone except law enforcement.
A. True
B. False
4. Which of these is NOT correct? After an accident, drivers should:
A. Stop and pull over
B. Shut off the engine
C. Drive away if no one was hurt
D. Turn on the four-way flashers
5. What type of information do you need to document/report at the accident?
A. The time, location, weatherlroad conditions
B. The type of clothing everyone at the scene is wearing
C. The names, addresses, and insurance companies of everyone involved
D. Both A and C
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October 2024, Transportation Safety, Driver Training
Fatigued Driving
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1. Sleep loss and changes to circadian rhythms are two major causes of fatigue for professional drivers.
A. True
B. False
2. What is the recommended amount of sleep per night for most adults?
A. 4-6 hours
B. 6-8 hours
C. 8-10 hours
D. 10-12 hours
3. Yawning is an emotional effect of fatigue.
A. True
B. False
4. How can drivers help prevent fatigue?
A. Driving during the body's low points
B. Snacking on junk food throughout the day
C. Taking breaks to reduce time-on-task and risks of distraction
D. Developing a bedtime routine that includes heavy meals before bed
5. What should be avoided 30-60 minutes before bed?
A. Relaxing music and low light
B. Reading a book
C. A cup of chamomile tea and meditation
D. Screen time and food
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