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One of our drivers had a wiper problem, so Shaggy decided to help him out. She hid a wiper blade in his truck and a trail of bread crumbs to follow. Well, in her case, she left a trail of HOT PINK sticky notes.

This is NOT the way to turn in your
Monthly Driver Training

Truck 90, Marty
Time for a truck wash

Dusk trailer line up

Truck 87, Joe
Just out of Ellsworth
Truck Wash
Nice an SHINY!!!
A few of Shaggy's
Big Buddies (Ace and Onix)
staying warm in front
of the heater.

Don't forget to wash your trucks. But make sure to be straight going in.

Our Iowa Terminal

Truck 90, Marty
Unloading at Menominee
Tire change
Trailer 1905

Is just SO
much Fun !

Truck 92, Gary, Feed Truck
Delivering Feed

Truck 90, Marty
Exit 18 in Laredo, Texas

Trailer 1904
new ventilation

Trailer 1904
the fix

Trailer lineup
for next week

X marks the spot
Hopefully you can see the moon
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