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Hi, My name is Shaggy, I'm a Chorkie, Chihuahua and Yorkie mix.
I kept biting my owners ankles until she gave me a page on her website.
pssst.........I am thinking about hi-jacking the other pages also.
watch and see....... ;)
I hope you enjoy my pictures
pssst........psssssssst .....guess what? I now have a comments page

And just to let you all know, I'm gonna change up how I do my page. From now on any new pics will be added at the top. This way friends that have already seen all my AWESOME!!! pics do not have to go to the bottom. All new friends, get to explore and enjoy. Thanks for checking out my page, BUT it would be nicer if you came by to say Hi!
And remember, The best way to view my web page is with a computer or tablet.

Stay away from the trucks and you won't have to wear hearing protection

Hey, I found a pet friendly website with some nice information.
Yahooooo.....gotta love new Friends !

Coolness, finally got my haircut. YEAH!!

Yeah, Yeah, I know,
Chips are bad for my girlish figure....but....but
They are sooooo
GOOOOD ! ! !
Hint, turn on the sound. I think you will laugh at me.

Cmon, cmon
what ya waiting for,
you said we were going for a RIDE!!!!!

Safety Girl out for a walk.
I keep hearing talk of getting a haircut.........
I guess we will see
My friend Roxy napping.
Please do not wake her.
That is the remains of the last person that tried

My owner found more pictures of me when I was younger.

WHAT you looking at?
Get back to work! Haha!

Peek a boo, I see you
I got my eye on you

Out for a walk......doing my rounds
tail and tongue wagging


So, my owner got me a new outfit. I thought it was kind of strange looking. I think it's kind of funny for a day to day outfit, but maybe on special occasions. It is kind of hard to put on also.
What do you think?

HaHa... I'm just foolin with ya, that is my friend Roxy.

Me 3 days old. Born 22JUL2018
I'm the one in black and white.....

No, not that one the other one.
No, No, not that one the other one.
HAHAHA....I made you look !

My Siblings
WOW!! Look at that hair!
Now I see how I got my name.

zzzZZZZ......I got this

Gotta Luv the naptime

Walking around

So, this is what these 4 things are for......

Are you my friend?
Yaahoo!! A free ride


My Brother

My Sister

My Brother

Protecting a scared new friend.
Someone threw him out of their car and he was hiding in our vans engine compartment.

Please, don't do this.
If you can't take care of us, the HUMAN thing to do is take us to an animal shelter.

My friend SixToe.
Yes, he was born that way, but please don't stare, he is shy.

Yes, I am in there........
hiding from my owner.

Look at my New Dress.
My owner must really like me. And so stylish...ish...ish!

There she is, there she is.
Do you see her? Do you see her???
THERE SHE IS.......That, is my owner.
She works so hard, but she always finds time to take me for walks, and pet me, and love me, and stroke me, and hold me, and pet me, and pet me, and..........where was I???
Oh, yeah, She is really nice.
And that is another friend of mine helping my owner find some loads for our drivers.

"Do not Fear, Safety Girl is Here"
My owner was afraid I would not be seen by our drivers, so she bought me this.
pssst. don't tell her, but I think it makes me looks like a ********.
Sorry, I'm not allowed to talk like that, but I heard Mark the mechanic say it.

Yep, Yep
Love my nap times.
And stealing my owners chair at the same time

A very sad day

Saying GoodBye to my Father

I know you had a good life and a good home.
When it is my time, I will see you on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.

Another friend.
We got her up early because we wanted to open Christmas presents.

Hey look at the younger me. I was playing with my little friend.

I'm thinking I need to have a talk with the boss. Maybe I should bite him to get his attention. We have all these trailers, AND MY PICTURE could go on all of them. But which one. All my pictures look SO GOOD!

Here is my friend Tanya.
She is the outside guardian of the place I was born.
Don't let that smile fool ya.
She can be down right ornery if she doesn't know you.

Yep, Yep, YEP
Now that's what I'm talking about.
More pictures of ME!

Just check out that snazzy sweater and that stylin hairbow.

My owner sure has class.
Here I am all dressed up for the beach on the East Coast in the Fall.
Well, that's what I thought, but the only place we went was outside to look at the cattle. :(
That OK, cuz they all liked my stylin and profilein.

WARNING !!! CAUTION !!! You have been warned.
You might want to skip over the next 2 pictures.
I went out exploring on my own and tangled with this big old bur...I mean bear.
I fought left.....and I fought right. I bit his right big toe, then I bit his left big toe. I was holding my own until that meany pushed me into a cockle bur bush. Even after all that, I was still able to chase him away and save my owner. I tried telling my story about how I saved her, but I kept yelping while she was pulling out all the cockle bears...I mean burs...........I was told that bears don't live around here., it could have been a bur...I mean bear..........IT sure felt like one anyway.

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